"We are actually all empathic to a certain degree. It is in our nature and as the atmosphere around us shifts to align with the new era, empathic function is amplified." ~Aimme Mosco

Think back to the last time you went house hunting. Have you ever walked into a home and thought, “Wow! This place feels good! It has really good energy.”? Chances are you have visited someplace that makes you feel wonderful just by standing where you are at. There is a good reason why some places on earth feel better than others. It has everything to do with the energy that resonates, how it is moving, and why it might be stuck. The purpose of sacred earth gridding is to help ensure that the energy on your property is moving to produce the most optimal living conditions.

Just like we can never tell exactly what we are getting into when we remodel an old home, the same is true when we move onto previously owned property and into previously owned homes. The things we can't see because they are hidden behind walls or underground can have a big impact on how we live in our homes and on our property. Both land and structures can respectively conduct and hold onto negative energy. Just like a place can feel good, it can also feel “creepy” or “not right”. Trying to live in energy that is not in alignment with your own can feel a lot like someone wiping their grimy hands on you and leaving stains behind.

Those that study energy, and its effects on humans, have concluded that two of the most impactful reasons for a negative experience are the Emotional Residue Theory and The Geopathic Stress Theory. Emotional residue comes from the behavior of previous inhabitants whereas geopathic stress comes from inconsistencies and stress points in the earth under your property. Depending on what your needs are, a place can feel good to one person and can feel awful to another. 

Have you ever toured a historical home and felt off? Often times you discover that someone in the house had a bad temper. Maybe someone died in the house causing long-term grief in the survivors. There are a number of reasons that previous owners could have experienced negative energy for long periods of time causing it to linger for years afterward. For example; maybe there was a war that took place on the land where an entire housing development was built. These are examples of emotional residue. It can be argued that part of the reason residue can remain for long periods of time is because of geopathic stressors that can “trap” or "harness" energy. Geopathic stressors are a result of disturbances in the earth’s magnetic field either naturally occurring or man-made. Some examples of stressors that distort the natural magnetic field are:

  • Natural

    • Underground water

    • Mineral deposits

    • Geological fault lines

  • Man-Made

    • Sewers

    • Tunnels

    • Pipes

    • Utility Lines

How can these energies impact humans? There are studies proving that prolonged exposure to certain geopathic stressors can cause sleeplessness, depression, and mental dis-eases. There is a working theory that some of these naturally occurring earth energies can “harness and trap” certain low-vibrating emotions like fear, sadness, and depression for long periods of time. The conclusion is, as a homeowner, if you aren’t feeling well in your home, you could be experiencing a disruption in your energy field by something running underground or by residual emotions left over from previous land occupants.

What can you do to make your property and home a more hospitable and prosperous place to live? Have someone grid your property and/or home with the proper crystals for the results you are looking for. In fact, gridding isn’t just about blocking and re-routing negative energy, it is also about securing positive energy and amplifying it. Other than managing naturally occurring energy that could be preexisting on your land and in your home, maybe you would like to simultaneously invoke: 

  • Being more grounded and connected to the environment

  • Be more available in faith and trust

  • More abundance in love

  • Increase self-sufficiency through creatorship

  • Allowing more space for co-creatorship or relationships

  • Gain strength through intuition

  • Balance power through equality in giving and receiving

  • Experience more joy

  • Be more receptive to the wisdom

  • Become flexible enough for higher wisdom

  • Understand the comfort in unity

  • Experience freedom from fear-based choices

When energy is managed with skill, one can open the doors necessary to make all of the above available. When it comes to conducting electricity, quartz crystals take the lead. That said, other crystals are designed to conduct other frequencies and energies with much better efficiency. Depending on your emotional and physical needs, specific crystals will be better equipped to get the job done. In addition, rituals based on intention add another layer of protection from negative energies and amplification of desirable energy.

Lynn Wallace, the principal designer at Kitchens And Baths By Lynn, has been living a life of wellness for over a decade. Her mission has evolved into one where she is integrating what she has learned into the world of interior design. Lynn's journey has taken her through the courses necessary to understand which naturally occurring and man-made frequencies can negatively impact humans physiologically and emotionally. She has been educated to know how to redirect negative energy from one’s personal space and amplify positive energy for professional, personal, and relational success. Earth gridding allows you to tap into a restorative energy flow from nature that supports health and well-being. It provides protection from unfavorable energy influences that affect emotional and physical health.

Furthermore, our culture is at a tipping point in its relationship with the planet. For too long society has turned a blind eye to the needs of the natural environment hobbling its ability to provide. A strong awareness is emerging in the Coachella Valley that it is time to renew our pact with Mother Earth to be good stewards. Earth gridding is one fundamental step in rebuilding a healthy symbiotic relationship with the environment. Enjoying a harmonious relationship of reciprocity with the planet brings abundance, wisdom, and good health and is reflected in how we relate to each other in our community.

Kindness, love, and change begin at home on an intimate level. Home improvement projects are the perfect opportunity to re-evaluate your personal space for adjustments to improve your quality of life. Now is the time to create space for beneficial energy to manifest valuable intention. Lynn has the experience, wisdom, skill, and foresight to be able to recommend layouts, materials, furnishings, and fixtures that relate to biophilic patterns which support our day-to-day connection with our natural environment. Environmentally friendly interior design in conjunction with Earth Gridding sets your home and land up for a coordinated relationship with your community and the planet as a whole.

You aren't the only one. You are joining a community of concerned and compassionate citizens. Together, by living intentional lives and stepping out of our comfort zone, the Coachella Valley can be the stable change that we need on a global scale.
